Titles Available for Purchase
26 Shotokan Kata by Hirokazu Kanazawa
1 video | Buy $34.99
This video contains all 26 SHOTOKAN karate kata (dynamic forms) by the world-renowned MASTER Hirokazu KANAZAWA, Chief Instructor of SHOTOKAN KARATE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION. His profound ability to demonstrate kata is reflected in this work and is not to be missed. They are performed face on at ...
Break a Leg: Leg Lock Seminar by Josh Barnett
1 video | Buy $46.99
Catch-as-catch-can has been doing leg locks since the beginning, now learn from multi-time mixed martial arts and grappling champion, Josh "WARMASTER" Barnett.
Learn devastating leglock set-ups and submissions including heel hooks, ankle locks, kneebars, and more!
Macebell Strength Training Basics by Jake Shannon
1 video | Buy $34.99
Think you know what to do with the Macebell? Just wait until you see this NEW instructional, you'll may very well cancel your gym membership in lieu of your trusty Macebell!
"Jake, this is great. By watching it one time, I was able to improve my form on conventional swings and 10 & 2's right awa...
Kyusho Pyramid Vol 3 with Mark Kline
1 video | Buy $14.99
In this new work, the third in the Kyusho Pyramid series, GM Kline provides an in-depth look at the control of our center, the first of the 10 principles on which the Pin-Point method is based. We will see the reason for keeping the neutral spine, the exercises to achieve this, its practice in mo...