Jakes Inverted Spot
1m 6s
In "Going Upside Down" Gracie Barra black belt Budo Jake teaches the very basics of learning how to invert. While inverting is very common in "modern jiu-jitsu" as a way to attack and sweep (berimbolo), not many instructors are able to break it down into a way that beginners can understand. With his vast training experience, Jake shows a variety of drills that will make you more comfortable inverting as a way to not only improve your guard recovery, but also to make your jiu-jitsu training more fun. "Going Upside Down" starts out as Jake does commentary over high level competitors using inversions in competition and then he gives you plenty of drills to work on by yourself and with a partner.
Contents include:
1. Inversion Concept
2. BJJ match Analysis
3. Precautions
4. Solo inversion drill
5. Partner inversion drill (holding ankle)
6. Partner inversion drill (not holding ankle)
7. Partner inversion drill (roll around)
8. Partner inversion drill (dynamic)
9. Partner inversion drill (holding pant)
10. Partner inversion drill (holding both pants)
11. Forward roll 1
12. Forward roll 2
13. Back roll
14. Granby roll (stay on top)
15. Granby roll (roll to guard)
16. Partner inversion & Granby roll drill
17. Invert & recover full guard drill
18. Invert & recover half guard drill
19. No grip invert & recover drill
20. Conclusion